Fieldwork is an important and transformative part of science. But it also carries higher risk of harassment and assault.

Fieldwork needs an intervention.

More than half of field participants report experiencing sexual harassment while doing fieldwork, and one in five report assault. To combat this, FieldFutures offers a suite of interactive trainings developed by a team of field researchers at UC Santa Cruz. We help your team identify the unique risks posed by fieldwork, and offer evidence-based tools, field-ready protocols, and hands-on skills practice. Armed with these tools, all field participants can learn to prevent, intervene in, and respond to harassment and assault.

Together we can build safer and more welcoming field settings.

Testimonials from the FieldFutures Training

  • “The FieldFutures training was a huge success - not only did the participants rate it as enjoyable and informative, but they were clamoring for more. For students and faculty working in remote field camps, there is very little in the traditional sexual harassment training that we receive that seems relevant. By contrast, the scenarios discussed in this training were very relevant and the discussions provided actionable ideas that everyone could use.”

    — Dr. Heather Lynch, Professor at Stony Brook University, USA

  • “What everyone found most useful was that we focused on things we could do here at the University to improve things for current and future students and researchers. We were provided with tools and had time to come up with some action items to make sure everyone doing fieldwork at UWYO in the future is safe!”

    — Tana Verzuh, PhD candidate at University of Wyoming, USA

  • “The training gave us to tools to improve our own safety provisions in our fieldwork risk assessments and provisions of safety for our students. We’re currently revising our protocals in light of the training from Field Futures.”

    — Dr. Gerard McCarthy, Associate Professor Maynooth University, Ireland

Ready to do your part?

Schedule a FieldFutures training to bring real solutions to your lab, nonprofit, conference, agency, business, or university.

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